Server configuration for Palworld
Created by: LOW.MS Support
Last modified: 29th December 2024
Guide for customizing your Palworld server
Parameter | Description |
Difficulty | Adjusts the overall difficulty of the game.
DayTimeSpeedRate | Modifies the speed of in-game time during the day.
NightTimeSpeedRate | Modifies the speed of in-game time during the night.
ExpRate | Changes the experience gain rate for both players and creatures.
PalCaptureRate | Adjusts the rate at which Pal creatures can be captured.
PalSpawnNumRate | Adjusts the rate at which Pal creatures spawn.
PalDamageRateAttack | Fine-tunes Pal creature damage dealt.
PalDamageRateDefense | Fine-tunes Pal creature damage received.
PlayerDamageRateAttack | Fine-tunes player damage dealt.
PlayerDamageRateDefense | Fine-tunes player damage received.
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate | Adjusts the rate at which the player's stomach decreases.
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate | Adjusts the rate at which the player's stamina decreases.
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate | Adjusts the rate of automatic player health regeneration.
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Adjusts the rate of automatic player health regeneration during sleep.
PalStomachDecreaceRate | Adjusts the rate at which Pal creature stomach decreases.
PalStaminaDecreaceRate | Adjusts the rate at which Pal creature stamina decreases.
PalAutoHPRegeneRate | Adjusts the rate of automatic Pal creature health regeneration.
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | Adjusts the rate of automatic Pal creature health regeneration during sleep.
BuildObjectDamageRate | Adjusts the rate at which built objects take damage.
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate | Adjusts the rate at which built objects deteriorate.
CollectionDropRate | Adjusts the drop rate of collected items.
CollectionObjectHpRate | Adjusts the health of collected objects.
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate | Adjusts the respawn speed of collected objects.
EnemyDropItemRate | Adjusts the drop rate of items from defeated enemies.
DeathPenalty | Defines the penalty upon player death.
GuildPlayerMaxNum | Sets the maximum number of players in a guild.
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime | Sets the default hatching time for Pal eggs.
ServerPlayerMaxNum | Maximum number of people who can join the server.
ServerName | Server name. |
ServerDescription | Server description. |
AdminPassword | Password used to obtain administrative privileges on the server. |
PublicPort | Public port number. |
PublicIP | Public IP. |
RCONEnabled | Enable RCON. |
RCONPort | Port number for RCON. |
bPalLost | Permanently lose your Pals upon death.
bBuildAreaLimit | Prohibit building near structures such as fast travel. |
bEnableFastTravel | Enable Fast Travel.
bEnableInvaderEnemy | Enable Invader.
bHardcore | Enable Hardcore mode.
bShowPlayerList | Enable player list when the ESC key is pressed. |
AutoSaveInterval | Sets the interval in minutes for automatic server saves.
EnableFriendlyFire | Enables or disables friendly fire between players.
MaxBuildObjectCount | Defines the maximum number of objects a player can build.
MaxConcurrentConnections | Limits the number of simultaneous connections to the server.
EnableCrossplay | Allows cross-platform play between different platforms.
EnableBackups | Enables automatic server backups.
BackupInterval | Sets the interval in minutes for automatic backups.
MaxBackupRetention | Sets the maximum number of backups to retain.
Looking for a reliable palworld Server Hosting Solution? Managing your server has never been easier. Host your palworld server with LOW.MS and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.
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